Welcome to the AllPaths Blog, where shared experiences, expert insights, and real-life perspectives can be a valuable benefit to both growing families and professionals alike.
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Lifting the Voices of Fertility Patients
Featured in the RNE Magazine, 2021 Volume 1 By Sarah Law Has there ever been a time where you had an opinion or concern about the care you were receiving? Have you ever wondered if anyone took the time to listen or view what you had to say? It can be...
Twenty Years, and 1,100 Shots, Later
Featured in the RNE Magazine, 2021 Volume 1 By Anne MacDonald "How are you really doing?" asked the email. It could have been about anything, but this was about infertility and self-care during the holidays, from my friend Kristen Darcy. We had been...
Coming Full Circle
Featured in the RNE Magazine, 2021 Volume 1 By: Jon Frank Melanie Powers always knew she wanted to be a helper. Growing up, she dreamed of being a teacher, but fate -- and family -- stepped in. Melanie’s mother was a nurse, and being around her and seeing...
Fertility 101
Guest Post by Ann Korkidakis, MD MPH For most beginning on their fertility journey, the end goal is obvious (and adorable!), but the path to get there can be a big unknown. Whether you’re at the starting line or somewhere along the road, it is always helpful...
The “A” word: A Reproductive Surgeon’s Take on Adenomyosis
Guest Post by Antonio R. Gargiulo, MD Endometriosis used to be an obscure diagnosis, often eluding medical providers for years and puzzling patients when we broke the news to them following laparoscopic surgery. Today I would argue that endometriosis has...
“What else can I do to increase my chances of getting pregnant?”
Guest Post by Carla DiGirolamo, MD As a fertility doctor, “Is there anything else I can be doing to increase my chances of getting pregnant?” is one of the most common questions my patients ask, as we are navigating their journey to parenthood. We will often...