Why I Wish I Could Be There to Walk

By Ellen S. Glazer, LICSW Like most of you reading this, I have participated in many pledge walks—sometimes with my feet, sometimes with my checkbook, often both. Rain or shine, large or small, these walks are almost always inspiring. In addition to raising needed...

Calling the Infertile Sisterhood

By Amanda Grazioli I’m sure many of us have seen the iconic pink ribbon out in the world, whether on a stranger’s car, purse, or scarf. I love it because, without a word, it clearly communicates to others that the person bearing it has been personally impacted by...

Why I Walk

by Kerri Kivolowitz Infertility (IF) is a diagnosis that carries with it loss, isolation, guilt, doubt, depression, and surprisingly, hope; the ever-twinkling hope that this time it will be different. Six years ago, my husband and I decided we were ready to start a...

Why I Will Walk

I walk because I know the struggle of infertility firsthand… In my late 20s I was told that it was doubtful for me to support a pregnancy to full term. The culprit: Uterine Fibroids- noncancerous tumors. After receiving this diagnosis, I put the thought of getting...