A born and raised New Yorker, social worker Jen Rachman shares her family’s story from an ovarian cancer diagnosis that sadly left her infertile in her 20s, to the decision that surrogacy was the best route for her and her husband to grow their family. With the help of their agency, their surrogate, and their egg donor, they had their son 12 years ago.

Connect with Stupid Cancer: https://stupidcancer.org/

Join AllPaths’ Cancer and Fertility Support Group: https://allpathsfb.org/support


Jen’s experience was so positive that it launched a new career path and she now works for Circle Surrogacy, the agency she used to grow her family. Her role is to assist and support intended parents who are exploring surrogacy to learn about the process and the services that are provided. She welcomes you to contact her for more information about building your family through surrogacy and/or egg donation at jrachman@circlesurrogacy.com.


Interested in sharing your story? Get in touch here!