We are so sorry if pregnancy loss has been a part of your family building journey. Explore support options, grief resources, and find community if you’re navigating miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, chemical pregnancy, TFMR, and/or recurrent pregnancy loss and please don’t hesitate to reach out if there’s anything else we can do for you.
Pregnancy Loss Support Group
This group is open to people parenting or not yet parenting. It offers support to those who have experienced miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, chemical pregnancy, TFMR, and/or recurrent pregnancy loss.
This group typically meets on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 7:30p EST.
Primary Pregnancy Loss Support Group
This group is open to anyone who has experienced pregnancy loss(es) and is not yet parenting. It offers support to those who have experienced miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, chemical pregnancy, TFMR, and/or recurrent pregnancy loss.
This group typically meets on the 1st Wednesday of each month at 7:30p EST.

An Advocacy Champion Who Gets It
Featured in the RNE Magazine, 2023 Volume 3 Advocacy is a core part of the Resolve New England mission, and as such, we proudly give an annual Advocacy Award. This honor recognizes an individual, group or organization who over the past year has advanced...

Wave of Light
October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month (PAIL), a time for us to honor the babies held in our hearts. The heartbreaking reality is that 1 out of every 4 confirmed pregnancies ends in loss, and that number may be even higher for those who are...

1 in 4 1 in 6 1 in 50 1 in 880 1 in 5 One is the loneliest number. Even more so when you encounter it over and over again during your family building journey. I know stats like these are supposed to make you feel less alone, but when the only number one you...

Decoding Pregnancy Loss with Leela Biswas
Featured in the RNE Magazine, 2023 Volume 2 By Molly Donovan When I was struggling to conceive my daughter, I had a complicated relationship with statistics. I searched frequently on Google in the first few months, reassuring myself that the vast majority of...

June 26th
Every year on June 26th, my enormous extended family would come together to celebrate my grandfather’s birthday. More planning and preparation went into this event than every other holiday combined. There were always a million photos taken, especially of the...

Community is Not a Place
Featured in the RNE Magazine, 2022 Volume 3 It is common for grieving people to seek solace in artistic expression. What may be uncommon is the particular activity that provides a creative and healing outlet for Matt Smith – brewing beer. While it may be...

I never knew how many types of silence there were until we heard the space where your heartbeat should have been. The gasping silence dredged up between sobs that were too deep to make a sound. The helpless silence that grew between two people...

There Is No Timeline for Grief
Guest Post by Stephanie Crawford As a facilitator of pregnancy and infant loss grief support groups and an advocate for positive healing, I often meet people who say “I feel like I’ve been sad too long” or “I can't seem to get over this”. Many families...

Recurrent Pregnancy Loss, a Dance of Fear and Hope
Featured in the RNE Magazine, 2021 Volume 2 By Megan Hanson When I spoke to the team at Resolve New England about this piece, we agreed I should tell the personal side of my story rather than the story of my organization, Recurrent Pregnancy Loss Association...
You Are Here
By Nicole “You are here”. My yoga instructor spoke these three simple words in my first class back after my third (out of four) miscarriage. As we worked to quiet our minds and control our breath, she continued to repeat these words. “You are here”. I didn’t...
Baby Loss
The following is an excerpt of an interview of Julie Richardson Paige by Catherine Tucker. Read the full interview here. Catherine: I’ve always felt that people who go through IVF should get a free pass with regards to pregnancy complications. We’ve...
Coping as a Couple During the Holidays
By Beth and Carl Smith Here’s something you should never, ever, ever do. On Christmas morning. In a house full of relatives. Don’t present your mother-in-law with a “Save the Date” card inscribed with a date eight months in the future. “The day,” you...