Featured in the RNE Magazine, 2022 Volume 1

By: Andy Lamb

I am the leader of RNE’s Fertility & Family Building Peer Group for Men. Whether you’re dealing with a male infertility diagnosis or you’re facing another barrier to becoming a parent, anyone who identifies as male is welcome to come together with a community of others who understand their struggles. In this group, I often discuss my background and journey through infertility.  I say “my” journey but as we all know, it’s an experience that impacts you and your loved ones, particularly your partner if you have one. Everything I say from a “man’s perspective” is translatable to anyone dealing with fertility and family building struggles. The challenges we experience on this path may be different, but the pain is the same. In the end, we get through it.

Maybe not everyone will want to stand on a mountaintop and declare their infertility, but I do it with a purpose. Infertility happens to more people than you think and there’s no shame in what you’re going through. I want people to understand the possibilities of joy along this new path, so they don’t suffer alone in the darkness. You may already be in that darkness now, and I hope my words bring you a little light.

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